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Join us for conversations on YouTube–

My friends and the people you will meet will share their stories with you.

You will hear stories of confidence, failures, victories, people who did, and are doing it. scared.

You will hear 'what people bring to the table' and from those who 'built their own tables'.

You will witness how the balance of self-sufficiency and interdependence builds confidence and community.

You will learn why wealth and an abundance of resources does not guarantee happiness, self confidence, and fulfillment

You will be exposed to skills, gifts, and talents that you didn't know existed in yourself .

You'll find commonality in this community and you'll also be challenged by ideals that may be very different from your own

You will be affirmed by people living in their own purpose and in their truths and who have made a conscious decision not live under a veil.

...and know that we are cheerleading for you to live in yours.

If you're looking for mentorship and a guide to self-confidence then we invite you to take it a step further and we'll show you how to apply these concepts to your own life by subscribing to the course.

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